



July 09, 2020 at 10:57 AM







This month we want to focus on using an AED. Each year thousands of New Zealanders experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, whether it be at home, at the shopping centre, or out in public, which means that you may be the determining factor in saving someone’s life.Fortunately, in this day and age we have the use of AED’s which are available in a lot of public places. All you need to do is find the location of an AED, turn it on and follow the voice instructions when prompted. Find your closest available AED’s by clicking here .  

Using an AED is easy simply turn it on and follow the step by step instructions on how to use one in an emergency situation, but familiarising yourself with the use of an AED outside of an emergency situation could also give you an advantage when it comes to keeping yourself calm when providing first aid to an unresponsive person. Below is a quick and easy step by guide on how to use an AED.



For every minute that passes without an AED shock, the chance of survival decreases by 7-10%. The combination of calling 111, early CPR and early AED use provide the best chance of survival.

For most AEDs follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the power
  2. Listen and follow voice instructions
  3. Bare the chest
  4. Follow the pictures on the pads
  5. Have confidence in AED analysis
  6. Shock when instructed to
  7. Do CPR immediately after delivering a shock
  8. Keep listening and following instructions

AEDs are designed for easy use by those with little or no training. They are safe to use, and they are reliable.

Compression-Only CPR 

If you find yourself with an unresponsive person and there is no AED available, the need for CPR is essential. Here at Medic First aid we can teach you how to provide CPR in an emergency situation. Book your training by clicking here, however if you happen to find yourself in an emergency before seeking training, there are a few things you can do, like compression-only CPR.
While not as effective as CPR with rescue breathing or using an AED, this should be your first point of call. Below is a quick guide on giving Compression-Only CPR.

If someone is unresponsive and not breathing normally, call 111 and push hard and fast in the centre of the chest until help arrives.

This is done by placing both hands in the centre of the chest between the nipples. Position your shoulders directly over your hands and keep your arms straight. Then push hard straight down. Continuing pushing hard and fast until paramedics arrive and are able to take over.

Spreading the word is vital and bystanders are the key to survival. You can help by downloading and distribute this AED infographic and sharing this information.

Blog sources

AED Locations
