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With longer days and warmer weather just around the corner........ many of us are thinking about spending more time working outdoors on our gardens and lawn
With longer days and warmer weather just around the corner, many of us are thinking about spending more time working outdoors on our gardens and lawns. Before you grab the edge-trimmer or load up the wheelbarrow, take a moment to ensure you’re following s…

SCA Survivor Spreads the Word

Sudden Cardiac Arrest ........SCA........ can happen to anyone........ at any time. Even someone in the prime of their life and who has no prior health conditio....ns that would suggest the likelihood of an SCA event. On June 27
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) can happen to anyone, at any time. Even someone in the prime of their life and who has no prior health conditions that would suggest the likelihood of an SCA event.

Keeping Safe this Halloween

Halloween can be a fun time for kids but before you send your little ghouls and gobli....ns out on Halloween night........ be sure prepared for a safe and fun evening. Some safe Halloween practices for you to follow
Halloween can be a fun time for kids but before you send your little ghouls and goblins out on Halloween night, be sure they're prepared for a safe and fun evening.


Toyota is working on a car........rdquo........ that might also have the power to save a life........ with technology on board that could predict if the driver is about to experience a cardia
Toyota is working on a “smart car” that might also have the power to save a life, with technology on board that could predict if the driver is about to experience a cardiac event.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden Cardiac Arrest ........SCA............nbsp........ Cardiac arrest is the loss of the heart........s ability to pump blood to the body. The most dramatic occurrence........ sudden cardiac arrest
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Cardiac arrest is the loss of the heart's ability to pump blood to the body. The most dramatic occurrence, sudden cardiac arrest, can happen with little or no warning. Victims abruptly become unresponsive and collapse. Abno…

Boating Safety

As the summer weather has become predictably unpredictable this season........ boaters need a little extra vigilance when navigating ever........changing rivers........ lakes and coastlines as different hazards come into play when water levels change. Rem
As the summer weather has become predictably unpredictable this season, boaters need a little extra vigilance when navigating ever-changing rivers, lakes and coastlines as different hazards come into play when water levels change. Remember the five boati…

Our Latest Blog Posts

First Aid
Asthma is a medical condition in which certain things can trigger a physical reaction in the lungs and make it difficult for a person to breathe. In New Zealand Asthma and respiratory disease is the 3rd leading cause of death. Asthma affects 1 in 7 children and a further 1 in 6 suffer from some form of respiratory disease.
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Safety & First Aid
As the summer weather has become predictably unpredictable this season, boaters need a little extra vigilance when navigating ever-changing rivers, lakes and coastlines as different hazards come into play when water levels change. Remember the five boating safety code rules recommended by the New Zealand Coastguard
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First Aid
Today’s blog post reviews the signs that a head injury may be a concussion and what the first aid provider can do to help. Concussion is a serious head injury and can affect up to 35,000 New Zealanders every year. Not surprisingly many concussions are sports related most frequently sustained from rugby, cycling and equestrian activities.
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Our mission is to realise a goal shared by everyone at Medic First Aid: When someone is in need of emergency care, a trained provider is there, prepared to help and respond confidently.
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