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With longer days and warmer weather just around the corner........ many of us are thinking about spending more time working outdoors on our gardens and lawn
With longer days and warmer weather just around the corner, many of us are thinking about spending more time working outdoors on our gardens and lawns. Before you grab the edge-trimmer or load up the wheelbarrow, take a moment to ensure you’re following s…

SCA Survivor Spreads the Word

Sudden Cardiac Arrest ........SCA........ can happen to anyone........ at any time. Even someone in the prime of their life and who has no prior health conditio....ns that would suggest the likelihood of an SCA event. On June 27
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) can happen to anyone, at any time. Even someone in the prime of their life and who has no prior health conditions that would suggest the likelihood of an SCA event.

Keeping Safe this Halloween

Halloween can be a fun time for kids but before you send your little ghouls and gobli....ns out on Halloween night........ be sure prepared for a safe and fun evening. Some safe Halloween practices for you to follow
Halloween can be a fun time for kids but before you send your little ghouls and goblins out on Halloween night, be sure they're prepared for a safe and fun evening.


Toyota is working on a car........rdquo........ that might also have the power to save a life........ with technology on board that could predict if the driver is about to experience a cardia
Toyota is working on a “smart car” that might also have the power to save a life, with technology on board that could predict if the driver is about to experience a cardiac event.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden Cardiac Arrest ........SCA............nbsp........ Cardiac arrest is the loss of the heart........s ability to pump blood to the body. The most dramatic occurrence........ sudden cardiac arrest
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Cardiac arrest is the loss of the heart's ability to pump blood to the body. The most dramatic occurrence, sudden cardiac arrest, can happen with little or no warning. Victims abruptly become unresponsive and collapse. Abno…

Boating Safety

As the summer weather has become predictably unpredictable this season........ boaters need a little extra vigilance when navigating ever........changing rivers........ lakes and coastlines as different hazards come into play when water levels change. Rem
As the summer weather has become predictably unpredictable this season, boaters need a little extra vigilance when navigating ever-changing rivers, lakes and coastlines as different hazards come into play when water levels change. Remember the five boati…

Our Latest Blog Posts

A scary moment that far too many parents know: seeing their child on the verge of swallowing something poisonous or, even more frightening, right after the child has already done so. Today’s post looks at the emergency care steps to take in an ingested poisoning incident.
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In recognition of Emergency Nurses Week, October 7-13, 2018, today’s blog post looks at the vital role these highly trained professionals play in responding to medical emergencies.
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This blog is intended to provide us all with a chance to appreciate the unsung heroes who serve our communities answering and dispatching 111 calls. These call takers work in stressful environments and are often verbally abused by those making 111 calls the very people they are trying to help. Despite this they get up each day and go to work so that they are there to answer the phone when we need them the most. They along with the bystander providing first aid at the scene are an integral part of the chain of survival required to save a life.
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Safety & First Aid
With longer days and warmer weather just around the corner, many of us are thinking about spending more time working outdoors on our gardens and lawns. Before you grab the edge-trimmer or load up the wheelbarrow, take a moment to ensure you’re following some best practices for safe yard work. Here are some helpful tips to remind homeowners that now is the time to make sure your equipment is ready to go:
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Tags :  Spring

Do you suffer from allergies? If so, you’re not alone, with estimates as high as 1 in 3 Kiwis suffering from all kinds of allergies (seasonal, environmental and contact) combined (1). Other sources approximate the number of hay fever sufferers to be about 20% of the total population of New Zealand (2).
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First Aid & Safety
When people are injured or suddenly fall ill, the scene around them is often chaotic. Concerned bystanders, family members and emergency services personnel are all reacting and responding to the incident simultaneously, and the incident scene itself may pose dangers. An emergency care provider knows to put his or her own safety first, even before the safety of an ill or injured person.
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